What do a hammer, an anvil and a pair of tongs have in common? These are the go-to tools for our very own Haphaestus, god of metal workers everywhere. While described as physically ugly and deformed, Haphaestus is widely revered as the most unfaltering of Gods. His character is equated to that of hardened steel – unbendable., sturdy, durable and resilient – resilient in that he was the only God to ever have returned to Olympus after having been exiled.
What is interesting about Haphaestus in particular, are his multi-talents as designer, innovator and metal fabricator. Since Haphaestus's time, those who create items from materials beyond your average every day sheet metal, often need to wear many hats. We find this at Hogtown too - we're asked to do so many interesting things, least of which (lately) is roofing sheet metal. Now, this is not to say that we're forging magical swords for the gods or anything, but we are designing and prototyping many different products, completing various landscaping projects, stair cases with both aesthetical value and industrial practicality, providing weights for children's sensory vests, weighting kettlebells for GS competitions, making tables and chairs and many, many other pieces of furniture. And of course, we're still fabricating the roofing metal too (that's a very different hat altogether). Using hammers and anvils to do it all.
Metal work, fabricating in particular, necessitates polymath. The problem-solving, mathematics and understanding of design far surpasses the lay perception of what epitomises a metal worker. Haphaestus, the ugliest of deities, made jewellery and other things of utmost beauty. He also made weaponry for the gods, and all things practical. And was worshiped by blacksmiths and artisans alike. We are fortunate to be passionate about a skilled trade that enables us to embrace so many applications, brush with so many different industries, and meet and impact so many people. The ability to adapt and expand is the exemplification of metal working. Those who are non-pliant cannot offer the same skill, experience and services of those who can. Keep that in mind when hiring a metal worker for your next project. We established ourselves as a sheet metal company with a focus on our ancillary fabrication business to ensure we can keep up with the fascinating, challenging, and ever-changing needs of our varied client-base. Anyone worth their Haphaestus-ish thick neck and hairy chest will do the same.
What is interesting about Haphaestus in particular, are his multi-talents as designer, innovator and metal fabricator. Since Haphaestus's time, those who create items from materials beyond your average every day sheet metal, often need to wear many hats. We find this at Hogtown too - we're asked to do so many interesting things, least of which (lately) is roofing sheet metal. Now, this is not to say that we're forging magical swords for the gods or anything, but we are designing and prototyping many different products, completing various landscaping projects, stair cases with both aesthetical value and industrial practicality, providing weights for children's sensory vests, weighting kettlebells for GS competitions, making tables and chairs and many, many other pieces of furniture. And of course, we're still fabricating the roofing metal too (that's a very different hat altogether). Using hammers and anvils to do it all.
Metal work, fabricating in particular, necessitates polymath. The problem-solving, mathematics and understanding of design far surpasses the lay perception of what epitomises a metal worker. Haphaestus, the ugliest of deities, made jewellery and other things of utmost beauty. He also made weaponry for the gods, and all things practical. And was worshiped by blacksmiths and artisans alike. We are fortunate to be passionate about a skilled trade that enables us to embrace so many applications, brush with so many different industries, and meet and impact so many people. The ability to adapt and expand is the exemplification of metal working. Those who are non-pliant cannot offer the same skill, experience and services of those who can. Keep that in mind when hiring a metal worker for your next project. We established ourselves as a sheet metal company with a focus on our ancillary fabrication business to ensure we can keep up with the fascinating, challenging, and ever-changing needs of our varied client-base. Anyone worth their Haphaestus-ish thick neck and hairy chest will do the same.