We like copper. We like it for aesthetic reasons, specifically when used as ornamental roofing or other outdoor accents, because that’s the stuff we dig and the stuff we dig making. But this versatile metal is being used widely, most notably in the healthcare sector, and it’s really quite cool. Scientists are still studying the metal’s antimicrobial properties and the far-reaching implications of these qualities. Pathogens and bacterium can survive weeks on stainless steel surfaces (another beloved metal!), whereas these baddies have a 1-2 hour shelf-life on most copper alloy surfaces. Think of the implications to hospitals! Stainless steel sure looks clean and sterile, but given the germ-breeding ground of a hospital environment, is it really a death trap in disguise? No, no, we’re not advocates of mass-hysteria, nor are we germaphobes, but we do understand that you need to use the right metal for the job. Though there’s still a long way to go, we’re excited that more and more hospitals and doctors offices are making the shift to copper surfaces and implements. Wouldn’t it be nice to reduce hospital-acquired infections simply by using the right metal?
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August 2024