Starting out right came at a price. Literally. But it was very important that we immediately distinguish ourselves from the hand-brake-out-of-the-back-of-the-truck operations, and of course, the way to do this was to outfit ourselves properly from the get-go. We knew we had the skills, the red seal sheet metal skills. And we knew we had the decades of experience, but establishing a customer base required even more than that up-front. No one knew who we were yet. So we had to find the perfect space, and equip it with the perfect machinery and tools – we quickly realised that 1500 sq ft was not going to cut it. We needed a minimum of 2500 sq ft to house our baby: the Baykal Press Brake, as well as all the other various Tennsmiths, shears, etc., etc.
Initially our primary focus was (and is) industrial-commercial roofing metal and metal siding. It’s the business we know best, having worked in the field for over 20 years (in a sheet metal capacity). We always knew we’d want to branch out from this too. It’s our bread and butter and what we’re good at, but our passions also lie amid various sheet metal and metal fabrication applications. So we’ve also had to outfit ourselves with even more equipment – our latest addition is the TIG welder, that so far we have used for our larger stainless steel fabrication projects (here’s just one example of our stainless steel outdoor planter boxes – this is the kind of thing that looks more exciting in pictures than does roofing metal!)
We’ve just completed another, much bigger, stainless steel planter installation, so stay tuned for some more pics!
Initially our primary focus was (and is) industrial-commercial roofing metal and metal siding. It’s the business we know best, having worked in the field for over 20 years (in a sheet metal capacity). We always knew we’d want to branch out from this too. It’s our bread and butter and what we’re good at, but our passions also lie amid various sheet metal and metal fabrication applications. So we’ve also had to outfit ourselves with even more equipment – our latest addition is the TIG welder, that so far we have used for our larger stainless steel fabrication projects (here’s just one example of our stainless steel outdoor planter boxes – this is the kind of thing that looks more exciting in pictures than does roofing metal!)
We’ve just completed another, much bigger, stainless steel planter installation, so stay tuned for some more pics!