Cor-ten is so hot right now, and thankfully we stockpiled so we’ve got a lot to sell! We’re getting calls pretty much every day for the stuff, and with good reason: it is one of the few very perfect outdoor materials, it’s depth and beauty achieved by the material’s patina is unparalleled, and with our special sealant process the applications for it are endless.
A few things to keep in mind if you’re interested in using Cor-ten for your project include:
A few things to keep in mind if you’re interested in using Cor-ten for your project include:
- if you are looking for a material with a uniform appearance, this is not for you! The beauty of this material is specifically the variations in colour it produces, both naturally and if the patina is chemically accelerated. It’s kind of like a great pair of jeans that comes with the tag stating ‘variations in texture and colour will naturally occur'. It’s what you should want if choosing Cor-ten.
- We cannot stress enough the number scum-bags out there who will pass off regular steel as Cor-ten. For your own good, ask to see the Metallurgical specs at time of purchase. Cor-ten and regular steel look similar to the untrained eye, even if somewhat oxidized, so be very careful. We’ve seen this a lot.
- If there is any welding happening to your item, try to make sure the welder knows what they’re doing. The filler material is important to ensure the end oxidization result will be the same as the base metal.
- Make sure you are asking for the correct gauge – if you’re unsure, a professional metalworker should be able to tell you what is an appropriate thickness for your project. This is paramount – we’ve seen a lot of very flimsy edging/planter/landscaping work out there, and it needn’t be. You should only have to pay for this sort of thing once.
- Cor-ten CAN be sealed! If you’re reluctant to use it indoors or are worried about any rub-off/run-off, don’t be. We can accelerate the rusting process and then seal it beautifully. Come by and check out some physical samples.